Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- obs : icObserverDef
- off : icMultiLocalizedUnicodeEntry
- offset : icPositionNumber, icTag
- offsetA : icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- offsetB : icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- offsetC : icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- offsetM : icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- offsetMat : icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- OnAbout() : MyFrame
- OnActivate() : MyChild
- OnClose() : MyChild, MyFrame
- OnDraw() : MyCanvas
- OnDropFiles() : MyDnDFile
- OnEvent() : MyCanvas
- OnExit() : MyApp
- OnInit() : MyApp
- OnOpenProfile() : MyFrame
- OnQuit() : MyChild, MyFrame
- OnRefresh() : MyChild
- OnRoundTrip() : MyChild
- OnTagClicked() : MyChild
- OnUpdateRefresh() : MyChild
- OnValidate() : MyChild
- Open() : CIccFileIO, CIccNullIO, CTiffImg
- open() : CIccIt8Parser, CubeFile
- OpenFile() : CIccStandardFileIO, IIccOpenFileIO, MyFrame
- operator icFloatNumber *() : CIccPixelBuf
- operator void *() : CIccPixelBuf
- operator=() : CIccCalculatorFunc, CIccCamConverter, CIccCLUT, CIccDblPixelBuffer, CIccDictEntry, CIccFormulaCurveSegment, CIccLocalizedUnicode, CIccMatrix, CIccMBB, CIccMpeBAcs, CIccMpeCalculator, CIccMpeCLUT, CIccMpeCurveSet, CIccMpeEAcs, CIccMpeEmissionCLUT, CIccMpeEmissionMatrix, CIccMpeEmissionObserver, CIccMpeExtCLUT, CIccMpeInvEmissionMatrix, CIccMpeJabToXYZ, CIccMpeMatrix, CIccMpeReflectanceCLUT, CIccMpeReflectanceObserver, CIccMpeTintArray, CIccMpeToneMap, CIccMpeUnknown, CIccMpeXYZToJab, CIccProfileDescStruct, CIccProfileDescText, CIccProfileIdDesc, CIccResponseCurveStruct, CIccSampledCalculatorCurve, CIccSampledCurveSegment, CIccSegmentedCurve, CIccSingleSampledCurve, CIccSparseMatrix, CIccTagArray, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagCicp, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagData, CIccTagDateTime, CIccTagDict, CIccTagEmbeddedHeightImage, CIccTagEmbeddedNormalImage, CIccTagEmbeddedProfile, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFloatNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagGamutBoundaryDesc, CIccTagLut16, CIccTagLut8, CIccTagLutAtoB, CIccTagLutBtoA, CIccTagMeasurement, CIccTagMultiLocalizedUnicode, CIccTagMultiProcessElement, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagProfileSeqDesc, CIccTagProfileSequenceId, CIccTagResponseCurveSet16, CIccTagSegmentedCurve, CIccTagSignature, CIccTagSparseMatrixArray, CIccTagSpectralDataInfo, CIccTagSpectralViewingConditions, CIccTagStruct, CIccTagText, CIccTagTextDescription, CIccTagUnknown, CIccTagUtf16Text, CIccTagUtf8Text, CIccTagViewingConditions, CIccTagXYZ, CIccTagZipUtf8Text, CIccTagZipXml, CIccToneMapFunc, CIccUTF16String
- operator[]() : CIccCLUT, CIccPixelBuf, CIccTagArray, CIccTagChromaticity, CIccTagColorantOrder, CIccTagColorantTable, CIccTagCurve, CIccTagData, CIccTagEmbeddedHeightImage, CIccTagEmbeddedNormalImage, CIccTagFixedNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagFloatNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagNamedColor2, CIccTagNum< T, Tsig >, CIccTagParametricCurve, CIccTagXYZ, CIccUTF16String
- order : icColorantOrderType
- output : SIccOpState
- outputChan : icLut16, icLut8, icLutAtoB, icLutBtoA
- OutputChannels() : CIccMBB
- outputEnt : icLut16