Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX 2.1.17.hoyt
Documentation for Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX
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IccMpeCalc.cpp File Reference

File: IccMpeCalc.cpp. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "IccMpeBasic.h"
#include "IccMpeCalc.h"
#include "IccIO.h"
#include <map>
#include "IccUtil.h"
+ Include dependency graph for IccMpeCalc.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


class  CIccCalcOpMgr
class  CIccConsoleDebugger
class  CIccOpDefAbsoluteVal
class  CIccOpDefAdd
class  CIccOpDefAnd
class  CIccOpDefArcCosine
class  CIccOpDefArcSine
class  CIccOpDefArcTan2
class  CIccOpDefArcTangent
class  CIccOpDefCartesianToPolar
class  CIccOpDefCeiling
class  CIccOpDefCopy
class  CIccOpDefCosine
class  CIccOpDefCube
class  CIccOpDefCubeRoot
class  CIccOpDefData
class  CIccOpDefDivide
class  CIccOpDefEnvVar
class  CIccOpDefEqual
class  CIccOpDefExp
class  CIccOpDefFlip
class  CIccOpDefFloor
class  CIccOpDefFromLab
class  CIccOpDefGamma
class  CIccOpDefGreaterThan
class  CIccOpDefGreaterThanEqual
class  CIccOpDefInputChan
class  CIccOpDefInvalid
class  CIccOpDefLessThan
class  CIccOpDefLessThanEqual
class  CIccOpDefLogrithm
class  CIccOpDefMaximum
class  CIccOpDefMinimum
class  CIccOpDefModulus
class  CIccOpDefMultiply
class  CIccOpDefNaturalLog
class  CIccOpDefNear
class  CIccOpDefNeg
class  CIccOpDefNegInfinity
class  CIccOpDefNot
class  CIccOpDefNotANumber
class  CIccOpDefNotEqual
class  CIccOpDefOr
class  CIccOpDefOutputChan
class  CIccOpDefPi
class  CIccOpDefPolarToCartesian
class  CIccOpDefPop
class  CIccOpDefPosInfinity
class  CIccOpDefPositionDup
class  CIccOpDefPow
class  CIccOpDefProduct
class  CIccOpDefRealNumber
class  CIccOpDefRotateLeft
class  CIccOpDefRotateRight
class  CIccOpDefRound
class  CIccOpDefScalarAdd
class  CIccOpDefScalarDivide
class  CIccOpDefScalarMultiply
class  CIccOpDefScalarSubtract
class  CIccOpDefSign
class  CIccOpDefSine
class  CIccOpDefSolve
class  CIccOpDefSquare
class  CIccOpDefSquareRoot
class  CIccOpDefSubElement
class  CIccOpDefSubtract
class  CIccOpDefSum
class  CIccOpDefTangent
class  CIccOpDefTempGetChan
class  CIccOpDefTempPutChan
class  CIccOpDefTempSaveChan
class  CIccOpDefToLab
class  CIccOpDefTranspose
class  CIccOpDefTruncate
class  CIccOpDefVectorAnd
class  CIccOpDefVectorMaximum
class  CIccOpDefVectorMinimum
class  CIccOpDefVectorOr


#define OsExtendArgs(N)
#define OsPopArg(X)
#define OsPopArgs(X, N)
#define OsPushArg(X)
#define OsPushArgs(X, N)
#define OsShrinkArgs(N)


typedef std::map< icSigCalcOp, IIccOpDef * > icCalcOpMap
typedef std::map< icUInt32Number, CIccCalculatorFunc * > icChannelFuncOffsetMap
typedef std::map< CIccCalculatorFunc *, icPositionNumbericChannelFuncPtrMap


static void AppendOpList (CIccCalcOpList &toList, const CIccCalcOpList &fromList)


static CIccConsoleDebugger g_ConsoleDebugger
static IIccCalcDebuggerg_pDebugger = ((IIccCalcDebugger*)0)

Detailed Description

File: IccMpeCalc.cpp.

Contains: Implementation of Calculator Element

Version: V1

Copyright: (c) see ICC Software License

Definition in file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ OsExtendArgs

#define OsExtendArgs ( N)
{ \
size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
os.pStack->resize(ss+(N)); \

Definition at line 204 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

204#define OsExtendArgs(N) { \
205 size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
206 os.pStack->resize(ss+(N)); \

Referenced by CIccOpDefCopy::Exec(), and CIccOpDefPositionDup::Exec().

◆ OsPopArg

#define OsPopArg ( X)
{ \
if (!os.pStack->size()) \
return false; \
X = *(os.pStack->rbegin()); \
os.pStack->pop_back(); \

Definition at line 165 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

165#define OsPopArg(X) { \
166 if (!os.pStack->size()) \
167 return false; \
168 X = *(os.pStack->rbegin()); \
169 os.pStack->pop_back(); \

Referenced by CIccCalculatorFunc::ApplySequence().

◆ OsPopArgs

#define OsPopArgs ( X,
N )
{ \
icUInt32Number nv=(N); \
size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
if (nv>ss) \
return false; \
icFloatNumber *sv = &(*os.pStack)[ss-nv]; \
memcpy((X), sv, nv*sizeof(icFloatNumber)); \
os.pStack->resize(ss-nv); \
float icFloatNumber
All floating point operations/variables in IccProfLib use the icFloatNumber data type.
Definition IccDefs.h:100
unsigned int icUInt32Number

Definition at line 172 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

172#define OsPopArgs(X, N) { \
173 icUInt32Number nv=(N); \
174 size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
175 if (nv>ss) \
176 return false; \
177 icFloatNumber *sv = &(*os.pStack)[ss-nv]; \
178 memcpy((X), sv, nv*sizeof(icFloatNumber)); \
179 os.pStack->resize(ss-nv); \

Referenced by CIccOpDefOutputChan::Exec(), CIccOpDefRotateLeft::Exec(), CIccOpDefRotateRight::Exec(), and CIccOpDefTempPutChan::Exec().

◆ OsPushArg

#define OsPushArg ( X)
{ \
icFloatNumber V = (X); \
os.pStack->push_back(V); \

Definition at line 183 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

183#define OsPushArg(X) { \
184 icFloatNumber V = (X); \
185 os.pStack->push_back(V); \

Referenced by CIccOpDefEnvVar::Exec(), CIccOpDefNegInfinity::Exec(), CIccOpDefNotANumber::Exec(), CIccOpDefPi::Exec(), CIccOpDefPosInfinity::Exec(), CIccOpDefRotateLeft::Exec(), and CIccOpDefRotateRight::Exec().

◆ OsPushArgs

#define OsPushArgs ( X,
N )
{ \
size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
icUInt32Number nv=(N); \
os.pStack->resize(ss+nv); \
icFloatNumber *sv = &(*os.pStack)[ss]; \
memcpy(sv, (X), nv*sizeof(icFloatNumber)); \

Definition at line 188 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

188#define OsPushArgs(X, N) { \
189 size_t ss = os.pStack->size(); \
190 icUInt32Number nv=(N); \
191 os.pStack->resize(ss+nv); \
192 icFloatNumber *sv = &(*os.pStack)[ss]; \
193 memcpy(sv, (X), nv*sizeof(icFloatNumber)); \

Referenced by CIccOpDefInputChan::Exec(), and CIccOpDefTempGetChan::Exec().

◆ OsShrinkArgs

Typedef Documentation

◆ icCalcOpMap

typedef std::map<icSigCalcOp, IIccOpDef*> icCalcOpMap

Definition at line 1953 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

◆ icChannelFuncOffsetMap

Definition at line 4460 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

◆ icChannelFuncPtrMap

Definition at line 4461 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AppendOpList()

static void AppendOpList ( CIccCalcOpList & toList,
const CIccCalcOpList & fromList )

Definition at line 2966 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

2968 CIccCalcOpList::const_iterator o;
2970 for (o=fromList.begin(); o!=fromList.end(); o++) {
2971 toList.push_back(*o);
2972 }

Referenced by CIccCalculatorFunc::ParseFuncDef().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ g_ConsoleDebugger

CIccConsoleDebugger g_ConsoleDebugger

Definition at line 149 of file IccMpeCalc.cpp.

Referenced by IIccCalcDebugger::SetDebugger().

◆ g_pDebugger