Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX 2.1.17.hoyt
Documentation for Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX
This is the complete list of members for CIccMatrixMath, including all inherited members.
CIccMatrixMath(icUInt16Number nRows, icUInt16Number nCols, bool bInitIdentity=false) | CIccMatrixMath | |
CIccMatrixMath(const CIccMatrixMath &mat) | CIccMatrixMath | |
dumpMtx(std::string &str) const | CIccMatrixMath | virtual |
entry(icUInt16Number nRow, icUInt16Number nCol=0) | CIccMatrixMath | inline |
entry(icUInt16Number nRow, icUInt16Number nCol=0) const | CIccMatrixMath | inline |
GetCols() const | CIccMatrixMath | inlinevirtual |
GetRows() const | CIccMatrixMath | inlinevirtual |
Invert() | CIccMatrixMath | |
isIdentityMtx() const | CIccMatrixMath | virtual |
m_nCols | CIccMatrixMath | protected |
m_nRows | CIccMatrixMath | protected |
m_vals | CIccMatrixMath | protected |
Mult(const CIccMatrixMath *matrix) const | CIccMatrixMath | |
rangeMap(const icSpectralRange &from, const icSpectralRange &to) | CIccMatrixMath | static |
RowSum(icUInt16Number nRow) const | CIccMatrixMath | |
Scale(icFloatNumber v) | CIccMatrixMath | |
SetRange(const icSpectralRange &from, const icSpectralRange &to) | CIccMatrixMath | |
VectorMult(icFloatNumber *pDst, const icFloatNumber *pSrc) const | CIccMatrixMath | virtual |
VectorScale(const icFloatNumber *vec) | CIccMatrixMath | |
~CIccMatrixMath() | CIccMatrixMath | virtual |