12int main(
int argc,
char* argv[])
15 printf(
"IccToXml built with IccProfLib Version " ICCPROFLIBVER ", IccLibXML Version " ICCLIBXMLVER "\n\nUsage: IccToXml src_icc_profile dest_xml_file\n");
25 if (!srcIO.
"r")) {
26 printf(
"Unable to open '%s'\n", argv[1]);
30 if (!profile.Read(&srcIO)) {
31 printf(
"Unable to read '%s'\n", argv[1]);
36 xml.reserve(40000000);
38 if (!profile.
ToXml(xml)) {
39 printf(
"Unable to convert '%s' to xml\n", argv[1]);
43 if (!dstIO.
"wb")) {
44 printf(
"unable to open '%s'\n", argv[2]);
49 printf(
"XML successfully created\n");
52 printf(
"Unable to write '%s'\n", argv[2]);
File: IccMpeXmlFactory.h.
File: IccTagXmlFactory.h.
int main()
Core and external libraries necessary for the fuzzer functionality.
virtual icInt32Number Write8(void *pBuf, icInt32Number nNum=1)
bool Open(const icChar *szFilename, const icChar *szAttr)
static void PushFactory(IIccMpeFactory *pFactory)
Function: PushFactory(pFactory) Add an IIccMpeFactory to the stack of element factories tracked by th...
Class: CIccMpeXmlFactory.
bool ToXml(std::string &xmlString)
static void PushFactory(IIccTagFactory *pFactory)
Function: PushFactory(pFactory) Add an IIccTagFactory to the stack of tag factories tracked by the sy...
Class: CIccTagXmlFactory.