Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX 2.1.17.hoyt
Documentation for Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX
This is the complete list of members for CIccApplyBPC, including all inherited members.
calcBlackPoint(const CIccProfile *pProfile, const CIccXform *pXform, icFloatNumber *XYZb) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
calcDstBlackPoint(const CIccProfile *pProfile, const CIccXform *pXform, icFloatNumber *XYZb) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
CalcFactors(const CIccProfile *pProfile, const CIccXform *pXfm, icFloatNumber *Scale, icFloatNumber *Offset) const | CIccApplyBPC | virtual |
calcQuadraticVertex(icFloatNumber *x, icFloatNumber *y, int n) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
calcSrcBlackPoint(const CIccProfile *pProfile, const CIccXform *pXform, icFloatNumber *XYZb) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
calcsum(icFloatNumber *x, icFloatNumber *y, int n, int j, int k) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
getBlackXfm(icRenderingIntent nIntent, const CIccProfile *pProfile) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
lab2pcs(icFloatNumber *pixel, const CIccProfile *pProfile) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
pcs2lab(icFloatNumber *pixel, const CIccProfile *pProfile) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |
pixelXfm(icFloatNumber *DstPixel, icFloatNumber *SrcPixel, icColorSpaceSignature SrcSpace, icRenderingIntent nIntent, const CIccProfile *pProfile) const | CIccApplyBPC | private |