Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX 2.1.17.hoyt
Documentation for Hoyt's FORK of DemoIccMAX
XML files that can be used to create iccMAX profiles can be found in the following folders:
This folder contains profiles that demonstrate modeling using the Calculator MultiProcessElement. The srgbCalcTest profile exercises all specified calculator operations.
This folder contains profiles that demonstrate spectral modeling of display profiles allowing for late binding of the observer using MultiProcessElements that are transformed at startup to colorimetry for the desired observer.
This folder contains 3 channel encoding class profiles. Both "name only" profiles as well as fully specified profiles are present.
This folder contains named color profiles showcasing features such as tints, spectral reflectance, and fluorescence (with and with out sparse notation).
This folder contains various profiles that can be used to define Profile Connection Conditions (PCC). All profiles are abstract profiles that perform no operation to PCS values. However, all profiles contain fully defined PCC tags that provide information that can be used to define rendering for various observers and illuminants. Profiles that utilize both absoulute colorimetry as well as Material Adjusted colorimetry are present.
This folder contains various profiles that convert data to/from/betweteen a spectral reflectance PCS. The argbRef (AdobeRGB) and srgbRef (sRGB) convert RGB values to/from spectral reflectance. RefDecC, RefDecH, and RefIncW are abstract spectral reflectance profiles that modify "chroma", "hue", and "lightness" of spectral reflectance values in a spectral reflectance PCS.
The argbRef, srgbRef, RefDecC, RefDecH, RefIncW profiles all estimate and/or manipulate spectral reflectance using Wpt based spectral estimation (see chapter 7 of http://scholarworks.rit.edu/theses/8789/ ).
Additionally, examples of 6 channel abridged spectral encoding is provided.
The CreateAllProfiles.bat/.sh files use iccFromXML
to create ICC profiles from each of the XML files in these folders.