Hoyt LLC Research | Server Configuration Comments | xss.cx, cloudscan.us, Hoyt LLC Research Domain V-Host Configs Please be advised that Hoyt LLC Research V-Host Domain Names are expressly mis-configured to demonstrate: - Proof of Concept Vulnerability Execution Research - Contains Reports with PoC XSS, CWE-79, CWE-89 and/or CWE-113 Examples with Pop-up Windows - /etc/password and related directory files are visible and meant to show up on LFI scans - Soon to have an SQL Injection Form for CWE-89 - 3/1/2011 - Soon to have HTTP Header Injection for CWE-113 - 3/1/2011 - IIS will hopefully provide lots of CWE-200 (Information Exposure) and other Configuration DORK Examples - CWE-Xn - We'll continue misconfiguring this Web Host to provide PoC's and Scanner Coverage Reports Reduced to simpler terms, we've expressly misconfigured this Web Site so we can show you DORKS! Enjoy... Blog: http://www.cloudscan.me