XSS (Cross-site Scripting) allows an attacker to execute a dynamic script (Javascript, VbScript) in the context of the application. This allows several different attack opportunities, mostly hijacking the current session of the user or changing the look of the page by changing the HTML on the fly to steal the user's credentials. This happens because the input entered by a user has been interpreted as HTML/Javascript/VbScript by the browser.
XSS targets the users of the application instead of the server. Although this is a limitation, since it allows attackers to hijack other users' session, an attacker might attack an administrator to gain full control over the application.
There are many different attacks that can be leveraged through the use of XSS, including:
Hi-jacking users' active session
Changing the look of the page within the victims browser.
Mounting a successful phishing attack.
Intercept data and perform man-in-the-middle attacks.
The issue occurs because the browser interprets the input as active HTML, Javascript or VbScript. To avoid this, all input and output from the application should be filtered. Output should be filtered according to the output format and location. Typically the output location is HTML. Where the output is HTML ensure that all active content is removed prior to its presentation to the server.
Prior to sanitizing user input, ensure you have a pre-defined list of both expected and acceptable characters with which you populate a white-list. This list needs only be defined once and should be used to sanitize and validate all subsequent input.
There are a number of pre-defined, well structured white-list libraries available for many different environments, good examples of these include, OWASP Reform and Microsoft Anti Cross-site Scripting libraries are good examples.
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWBQKZtuD6BAKn95/pCQLX8veCAQLz0LzRCAKY+4q/Dea5FezD0UZE2c/8GH87MDQMp/oF" /> <div id="topNavContainer"><div id="topNav"><div id="zz1_left" class="KI-Menu-Horizontal"><ul class="KI-Menu sf-js-enabled"><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren firstItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/default.aspx"> Government <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="The executive, judicial, and legislative branches." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/branches.aspx"> State</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find city, county, and regional information in this category." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/localgov.aspx"> Local</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Learn about the government of the United States, including the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Find an employment opportunity or specific federal agency." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/federal.aspx"> Federal</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Helping you to understand your government, connect with your elected officials, and participate in the government process." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/edemocracy.aspx"> Get Involved</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/RESIDENTS/Pages/default.aspx"> Residents <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Explore Kentucky's rich agricultural background; go hunting or fishing in our beautiful parks; help manage our resources and protect our environment." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/moving.aspx"> For Newcomers</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find out information about auto registration, driver licensing, consumer information, public safety and other services and resources for citizens residing in Kentucky." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/currentresidents.aspx"> For Current Residents</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Information, services, and resources for seniors of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/seniors.aspx"> For Seniors</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Information, services and resources for vererans of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/veterans.aspx"> For Veterans</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/default.aspx"> Education <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Learn about school districts, education options, and find important links to school information." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_k-12.aspx"> K-12 Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Locate information about Kentucky's many colleges and universities. Find the financial aid you need for an experience in higher education." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_secondary.aspx"> Colleges & Universities</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/adulted.aspx"> Adult Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Browse the libraries of the state from your computer or find a public library in your area." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_libraries.aspx"> Libraries</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/studentsandparents.aspx"> Student & Parent Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/educators.aspx"> Educator Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/default.aspx"> Business <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Access valuable links to building codes, business licensing, and much more." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesscenter.aspx"> Business Center</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Access a variety of information regarding the agricultural industry as a business." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/agriculture.aspx"> Farms & Agriculture</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="The environmetal data, research, and online services you need to help your business stay green and compliant." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/environmental.aspx"> Environmental Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get the business tax forms and information you are looking for." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesstax.aspx"> Business Tax Information</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get information about renewing your professional license or renew it online where available." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/licensingandpermits.aspx"> Professional Licensing & Permits</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Kentucky is a great place to locate or expand a business; find more information here." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/resources.aspx"> Business Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/default.aspx"> Tourism <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="From the lakes of the West, through the rolling hills of the Bluegrass, You will find art, history, and museums galore in Kentucky. Have fun exploring." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/sitesandattractions.aspx"> Sites & Attractions</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Find help here planning your next trip. If you're not sure what you might want to do next, check out the Interest Finder." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/planyourtrip.aspx"> Planning Your Trip</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/default.aspx"> Family & Health <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Find resources to help you with many of the needs children have ranging from child support to health insurance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/childrenservices.aspx"> Children's Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find links that deal with the health and well-being of children and adults. Included are links for victims of crime and abuse, women's health concerns, and those in need of assistance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/adultservices.aspx"> Adult & Family Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Kentucky cares about you. Check here for assistance, educational and employment opportunities, and advocates for your protection." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/disabilityResources.aspx"> Services for the Disabled</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find the health information and resources you need for Kentuckians of all ages." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/publichealth.aspx"> Public Health</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/assitancepr..
A Cookie was not marked as secure and transmitted over HTTPS. This means the cookie could potentially be stolen by an attacker who can successfully intercept and decrypt the traffic or following a successful MITM (Man in the middle) attack.
This cookie will be transmitted over a HTTP connection, therefore if this cookie is important (such as a session cookie) an attacker might intercept it and hijack a victim's session. If the attacker can carry out a MITM attack, he/she can force victim to make a HTTP request to steal the cookie.
Actions to Take
See the remedy for solution.
Mark all cookies used within the application as secure. (If the cookie is not related to authentication or does not carry any personal information you do not have to mark it as secure.))
Mark all cookies used within the application as secure.
Required Skills for Successful Exploitation
To exploit this issue, the attacker needs to be able to intercept traffic. This generally requires local access to the web server or victim's network. Attackers need to be understand layer 2, have physical access to systems either as way points for the traffic, or locally (have gained access to) to a system between the victim and the web server.
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWBQKZtuD6BAKn95/pCQLX8veCAQLz0LzRCAKY+4q/Dea5FezD0UZE2c/8GH87MDQMp/oF" /> <div id="topNavContainer"><div id="topNav"><div id="zz1_left" class="KI-Menu-Horizontal"><ul class="KI-Menu sf-js-enabled"><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren firstItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/default.aspx"> Government <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="The executive, judicial, and legislative branches." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/branches.aspx"> State</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find city, county, and regional information in this category." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/localgov.aspx"> Local</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Learn about the government of the United States, including the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Find an employment opportunity or specific federal agency." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/federal.aspx"> Federal</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Helping you to understand your government, connect with your elected officials, and participate in the government process." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/edemocracy.aspx"> Get Involved</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/RESIDENTS/Pages/default.aspx"> Residents <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Explore Kentucky's rich agricultural background; go hunting or fishing in our beautiful parks; help manage our resources and protect our environment." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/moving.aspx"> For Newcomers</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find out information about auto registration, driver licensing, consumer information, public safety and other services and resources for citizens residing in Kentucky." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/currentresidents.aspx"> For Current Residents</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Information, services, and resources for seniors of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/seniors.aspx"> For Seniors</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Information, services and resources for vererans of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/veterans.aspx"> For Veterans</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/default.aspx"> Education <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Learn about school districts, education options, and find important links to school information." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_k-12.aspx"> K-12 Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Locate information about Kentucky's many colleges and universities. Find the financial aid you need for an experience in higher education." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_secondary.aspx"> Colleges & Universities</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/adulted.aspx"> Adult Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Browse the libraries of the state from your computer or find a public library in your area." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_libraries.aspx"> Libraries</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/studentsandparents.aspx"> Student & Parent Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/educators.aspx"> Educator Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/default.aspx"> Business <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Access valuable links to building codes, business licensing, and much more." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesscenter.aspx"> Business Center</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Access a variety of information regarding the agricultural industry as a business." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/agriculture.aspx"> Farms & Agriculture</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="The environmetal data, research, and online services you need to help your business stay green and compliant." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/environmental.aspx"> Environmental Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get the business tax forms and information you are looking for." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesstax.aspx"> Business Tax Information</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get information about renewing your professional license or renew it online where available." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/licensingandpermits.aspx"> Professional Licensing & Permits</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Kentucky is a great place to locate or expand a business; find more information here." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/resources.aspx"> Business Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/default.aspx"> Tourism <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="From the lakes of the West, through the rolling hills of the Bluegrass, You will find art, history, and museums galore in Kentucky. Have fun exploring." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/sitesandattractions.aspx"> Sites & Attractions</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Find help here planning your next trip. If you're not sure what you might want to do next, check out the Interest Finder." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/planyourtrip.aspx"> Planning Your Trip</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/default.aspx"> Family & Health <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Find resources to help you with many of the needs children have ranging from child support to health insurance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/childrenservices.aspx"> Children's Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find links that deal with the health and well-being of children and adults. Included are links for victims of crime and abuse, women's health concerns, and those in need of assistance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/adultservices.aspx"> Adult & Family Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Kentucky cares about you. Check here for assistance, educational and employment opportunities, and advocates for your protection." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/disabilityResources.aspx"> Services for the Disabled</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find the health information and resources you need for Kentuckians of all ages." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/publichealth.aspx"> Public Health</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="..
The Server responded with an HTTP status 500. This indicates that there is a server-side error. Reasons may vary. The behavior should be analysed carefully. If Netsparker is able to find a security issue in the same resource it will report this as a separate vulnerability.
The impact may vary depending on the condition. Generally this indicates poor coding practices, not enough error checking, sanitization and whitelisting. However there might be a bigger issue such as SQL Injection. If that's the case Netsparker will check for other possible issues and report them separately.
Analyse this issue and review the application code in order to handle unexpected errors, this should be a generic practice which does not disclose further information upon an error. All errors should be handled server side only.
<b> Description: </b>An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. <br><br>
<b>Details:</b> To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".<br><br>
<b>Notes:</b> The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.<br><br>
Netsparker identified that the target web server is disclosing ASP.NET version in the HTTP response. This information can help an attacker to develop further attacks and also the system can become an easier target for automated attacks. It was leaked from X-AspNet-Version banner of HTTP response or default ASP.NET error page.
An attacker can use disclosed information to harvest specific security vulnerabilities for the version identified. The attacker can also use this information in conjunction with the other vulnerabilities in the application or web server.
Apply the following changes on your web.config file to prevent information leakage by using custom error pages and removing X-AspNet-Version from HTTP responses.
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWBQKZtuD6BAKn95/pCQLX8veCAQLz0LzRCAKY+4q/Dea5FezD0UZE2c/8GH87MDQMp/oF" /> <div id="topNavContainer"><div id="topNav"><div id="zz1_left" class="KI-Menu-Horizontal"><ul class="KI-Menu sf-js-enabled"><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren firstItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/default.aspx"> Government <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="The executive, judicial, and legislative branches." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/branches.aspx"> State</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find city, county, and regional information in this category." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/localgov.aspx"> Local</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Learn about the government of the United States, including the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Find an employment opportunity or specific federal agency." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/federal.aspx"> Federal</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Helping you to understand your government, connect with your elected officials, and participate in the government process." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/edemocracy.aspx"> Get Involved</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/RESIDENTS/Pages/default.aspx"> Residents <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Explore Kentucky's rich agricultural background; go hunting or fishing in our beautiful parks; help manage our resources and protect our environment." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/moving.aspx"> For Newcomers</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find out information about auto registration, driver licensing, consumer information, public safety and other services and resources for citizens residing in Kentucky." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/currentresidents.aspx"> For Current Residents</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Information, services, and resources for seniors of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/seniors.aspx"> For Seniors</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Information, services and resources for vererans of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/veterans.aspx"> For Veterans</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/default.aspx"> Education <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Learn about school districts, education options, and find important links to school information." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_k-12.aspx"> K-12 Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Locate information about Kentucky's many colleges and universities. Find the financial aid you need for an experience in higher education." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_secondary.aspx"> Colleges & Universities</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/adulted.aspx"> Adult Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Browse the libraries of the state from your computer or find a public library in your area." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_libraries.aspx"> Libraries</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/studentsandparents.aspx"> Student & Parent Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/educators.aspx"> Educator Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/default.aspx"> Business <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Access valuable links to building codes, business licensing, and much more." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesscenter.aspx"> Business Center</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Access a variety of information regarding the agricultural industry as a business." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/agriculture.aspx"> Farms & Agriculture</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="The environmetal data, research, and online services you need to help your business stay green and compliant." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/environmental.aspx"> Environmental Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get the business tax forms and information you are looking for." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesstax.aspx"> Business Tax Information</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get information about renewing your professional license or renew it online where available." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/licensingandpermits.aspx"> Professional Licensing & Permits</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Kentucky is a great place to locate or expand a business; find more information here." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/resources.aspx"> Business Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/default.aspx"> Tourism <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="From the lakes of the West, through the rolling hills of the Bluegrass, You will find art, history, and museums galore in Kentucky. Have fun exploring." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/sitesandattractions.aspx"> Sites & Attractions</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Find help here planning your next trip. If you're not sure what you might want to do next, check out the Interest Finder." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/planyourtrip.aspx"> Planning Your Trip</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/default.aspx"> Family & Health <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Find resources to help you with many of the needs children have ranging from child support to health insurance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/childrenservices.aspx"> Children's Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find links that deal with the health and well-being of children and adults. Included are links for victims of crime and abuse, women's health concerns, and those in need of assistance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/adultservices.aspx"> Adult & Family Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Kentucky cares about you. Check here for assistance, educational and employment opportunities, and advocates for your protection." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/disabilityResources.aspx"> Services for the Disabled</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find the health information and resources you need for Kentuckians of all ages." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/publichealth.aspx"> Public Health</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="..
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<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWBQKZtuD6BAKn95/pCQLX8veCAQLz0LzRCAKY+4q/Dea5FezD0UZE2c/8GH87MDQMp/oF" /> <div id="topNavContainer"><div id="topNav"><div id="zz1_left" class="KI-Menu-Horizontal"><ul class="KI-Menu sf-js-enabled"><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren firstItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/default.aspx"> Government <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="The executive, judicial, and legislative branches." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/branches.aspx"> State</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find city, county, and regional information in this category." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/localgov.aspx"> Local</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Learn about the government of the United States, including the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Find an employment opportunity or specific federal agency." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/federal.aspx"> Federal</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Helping you to understand your government, connect with your elected officials, and participate in the government process." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/government/Pages/edemocracy.aspx"> Get Involved</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/RESIDENTS/Pages/default.aspx"> Residents <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Explore Kentucky's rich agricultural background; go hunting or fishing in our beautiful parks; help manage our resources and protect our environment." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/moving.aspx"> For Newcomers</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find out information about auto registration, driver licensing, consumer information, public safety and other services and resources for citizens residing in Kentucky." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/currentresidents.aspx"> For Current Residents</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Information, services, and resources for seniors of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/seniors.aspx"> For Seniors</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Information, services and resources for vererans of the Commonwealth." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/residents/Pages/veterans.aspx"> For Veterans</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/default.aspx"> Education <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Learn about school districts, education options, and find important links to school information." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_k-12.aspx"> K-12 Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Locate information about Kentucky's many colleges and universities. Find the financial aid you need for an experience in higher education." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_secondary.aspx"> Colleges & Universities</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/adulted.aspx"> Adult Education</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Browse the libraries of the state from your computer or find a public library in your area." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/edu_libraries.aspx"> Libraries</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/studentsandparents.aspx"> Student & Parent Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/education/Pages/educators.aspx"> Educator Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/default.aspx"> Business <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Access valuable links to building codes, business licensing, and much more." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesscenter.aspx"> Business Center</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Access a variety of information regarding the agricultural industry as a business." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/agriculture.aspx"> Farms & Agriculture</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="The environmetal data, research, and online services you need to help your business stay green and compliant." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/environmental.aspx"> Environmental Resources</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get the business tax forms and information you are looking for." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/businesstax.aspx"> Business Tax Information</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Get information about renewing your professional license or renew it online where available." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/licensingandpermits.aspx"> Professional Licensing & Permits</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Kentucky is a great place to locate or expand a business; find more information here." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/business/Pages/resources.aspx"> Business Resources</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/default.aspx"> Tourism <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="From the lakes of the West, through the rolling hills of the Bluegrass, You will find art, history, and museums galore in Kentucky. Have fun exploring." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/sitesandattractions.aspx"> Sites & Attractions</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a title="Find help here planning your next trip. If you're not sure what you might want to do next, check out the Interest Finder." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/tourism/Pages/planyourtrip.aspx"> Planning Your Trip</a> </li></ul></li><li class="KI-Menu-WithChildren"> <a class="KI-Menu-Link sf-with-ul" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/default.aspx"> Family & Health <span class="sf-sub-indicator">»</span></a><ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf firstItem"> <a title="Find resources to help you with many of the needs children have ranging from child support to health insurance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/childrenservices.aspx"> Children's Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find links that deal with the health and well-being of children and adults. Included are links for victims of crime and abuse, women's health concerns, and those in need of assistance." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/adultservices.aspx"> Adult & Family Services</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Kentucky cares about you. Check here for assistance, educational and employment opportunities, and advocates for your protection." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/disabilityResources.aspx"> Services for the Disabled</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf"> <a title="Find the health information and resources you need for Kentuckians of all ages." class="KI-Menu-Link" href="http://www.kentucky.gov/health/Pages/publichealth.aspx"> Public Health</a> </li><li class="KI-Menu-Leaf lastItem"> <a class="..